The Cost of Toxic Managers

The Cost of Toxic Managers

Toxic managers are not only bad for your health but they also hurt the bottom line. According to a 2016 Michigan State University study, workplace hostility costs companies an estimated $14,000 per employee due to lost productivity. If that’s not bad enough, many employees pay a price in terms of their physical health as well as damage to their relationships with family and friends.

According to a military veteran who fought in Afghanistan, it is preferable to be attacked by Taliban insurgents than to work for a toxic manager (To understand how bad things were in Afghanistan, one need only watch the movie The Outpost on Netflix).  Another veteran describes the situation more clearly, “when you are fighting an enemy, you know where the fire is coming from and you are trained to defend yourself.  You also have a team of soldiers to help you through it. In the office, your manager can set you up for success or disaster and every day is a constant battle. You never know where the bullets are coming from.”

A good source of information to help you understand how toxic managers are created is the following “Stop Toxic Managers Before They Stop You” by Gillian Flynn.  The article was written in 1999, but the advice is still relevant and has been adapted into both an infographic and a video titled 4 Ways to Avoid Toxic Management.

Below are the top 4 ways to avoid toxic management as seen in the video:

  1. Make Behavior Part of the Job Description
  2. Make Behavior a Pocketbook Issue
  3. Create Alternatives of Advancement
  4. Check in with Manager’s Employees

This list is intended to help organizations optimize productivity while increasing morale and raising the bottom line.

All of us here at Total Rebrand wish you the best in your future endeavors. Please remember to periodically check our websites for updates, new tools, and advice in helping you find the best job that will maximize both your wealth as well as your health. Happy job hunting!