Author name: Dara Iserson

FMLA Violations Court

Welcome to the third installment of our FMLA series.  In this series, we are providing (1) an overview of FMLA, (2) your entitlements,  (3) consequences of FMLA violations;  and (4) a case study on FMLA infringements. If you take your employer to court for violating FMLA, you may receive the following awards: Lost Back Pay. “Back pay” refers to wages, salary, and benefits you lost as a result of your employer’s wrongful actions. Back pay covers such lost earnings

FMLA Entitlements

Welcome to Part II of the Total Rebrand series on the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA).  In our last post, we provided an overview of the policy.   Today we will outline your options if you are not returned to the same exact job and steps you can take if your FMLA rights are violated. New Position Under FMLA If you are not returned to the same exact job, the new position must fulfill all of these

FMLA Overview

After spending all the precious hours of your maternity leave with your bundle of joy, it’s time to return to work.  You have so many fears, “How will my boss and co-workers perceive me and my work?” “Will they think that I can’t cut it because I now have a child?”  “What if they keep my replacement in my old role and demote me?” Luckily, due to the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA),  any sort of demotion is