Career Transitions

How to Deal with Incompetence and Opportunity

Does it ever seem as though the level of incompetence in society is growing more and more by the day?  Does it seem as though many people can’t do their jobs? Has anyone you know been unable to start a new job because HR forgot to file their paperwork?  Have you ever encountered a supervisor who can’t manage his or her way out of a paper bag?

Women Mentors and COVID

As you may know from reading our blogs, mentors can have a huge impact on your career development. There are those who claim that women make better mentors and men make better sponsors. Like most generalizations, I don’t know if that is 100% true. I do know that the majority of company decision-makers are still men.  Before the pandemic, that was slowly changing.

COVID & Women in the Workplace

Given that March is National Women’s History Month, it is a great opportunity to discuss women helping women. As a woman who is also a business owner, I want to mention how COVID has changed my own views on the subject of helping women in the workplace. Prior to the pandemic, I would have complained about a jealous boss who tried to push me out of a job ten days before my wedding. 

A 2-Step Career Transition

Transitioning can be an exciting event. Remember the thrill of transitioning from adolescence to adulthood? How about graduating high school, getting that first car, going to college, and buying your first house? These are all examples of transitions most people look forward to. There is one transition that most of us shy away from because it can seem frightening.